Commercial heating and Chilled Water Systems

Shell and Core Installations: We handle the basic building installations for commercial spaces, focusing on the core structure and external shell. This includes setting up primary heating and chilled water systems, ensuring they are installed correctly and safely for optimal performance.

CAT A Fit-Out Works: Our CAT A fit-out services cover the basic finishes that make a space ready for tenants. We install or upgrade the heating and cooling systems, ensuring they're in line with the landlord's specifications and ready for the tenant's fit-out.

CAT B Fit-Out Works: For tenants who want to customize their space, we offer CAT B fit-out works. We work closely with tenants to understand their specific heating and cooling requirements and create a tailored solution that fits their business needs.

Plant Room Upgrades: We provide plant room upgrades to ensure that your heating and chilled water systems are up-to-date and operating at peak efficiency. This includes replacing outdated equipment, optimizing system configuration, and implementing energy-efficient solutions.